It is widely known that school can be a challenging place for kids. It is a place where they can learn independence and grow but it is still riddled with difficulties they may face every day.
Thankfully, there are many ways your child can be better prepared for school and regular Aikido classes is one of them. Aikido is known for its benefits to mental and physical strength, but let's review how it can also play a major role in helping your kid succeed in school.
Problem 1 - Difficulty in concentrating in class
Paying attention in class is one of the biggest difficulties of many students regardless of their age. This, in fact, can lead to more serious problems such as a decrease in grades, dislike of school and disruptive behaviour affecting the whole class negatively.
While there are many reasons your child could have difficulty focusing, including medical problems, consistent classes of Aikido can have a positive impact. Because physical contact is involved in Aikido, your child will be thought to pay attention and carefully follow instructions of the sensei and instructors.
Some Aikido techniques may be confusing and complicated in the beginning due to the turns, hand, hip and foot movements, thus a student must learn to focus and follow what the instructor is demonstrating.
Certainly, the skill of concentration and focus grows with every class, while practising to understand your partner's balance, strength, movement as well as timing.
Problem 2 - Erosion of Authority
Disruptive pupils and the lack of respect for seniors and teachers is a growing problem throughout the education system. Being respectful will undoubtedly lead a way to a better working environment. It is beneficial to the whole class and especially the teacher, hence better learning outcomes.
How does Aikido help your kid to become more respectful? First of all, children learn that there is no place for ego in any dojo. They always bow to the most senior sensei before entering and leaving the mat.
Respect for seniors, their fellow students and training partners is among the traits taught in Aikido, because these are the people who help you grow and become a better self.
Problem 3 - Bullying
If your child is being bullied or a bully himself, it does not end well. While schools try to prevent it, we can start by giving our children opportunity to be better equipped against bullying.
Aikido teaches self-defence with minimal harm to your attacker. It is a very effective martial art regardless of your size as the technique focus on redirecting the strength of the attack. So, it does not matter how big or small your child is, it is suitable and effective for everyone.
Problem 4 - Low Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem is not necessarily a specific problem in school. However, it makes life at the education institution so much more difficult. It leaves children burdened with poor in-class performance, communication issues and reduced learning capacity.
You ask how could Aikido improve your kid’s self-esteem? Well first of all, it provides positive feedback for kid's achievements.
The child is able to learn new techniques that previously seemed impossible, giving an immediate boost in confidence. Genuine confidence will shine through your child's eyes more and more after each class.
Problem 5 - Negative Peer Pressure
Bad peer pressure, usually from a bad influence is a common problem in a school where children leave the supervision of their parents and start to give more importance to what their peers have to say. Usually, it is a bad influence and can lead to drug abuse, school-skipping and alcohol.
Learning martial arts after school instead of being with other youths can create a positive outcome. Not only because of the above-mentioned things, but the kid will learn to be respectful, mindful of others.
To learn more of the our programmes do contact us at 91599429.